Suggested Dosage = two ( 2 ) tablespoons (can be served ice cold mixed with water or taken directly for those who are busy and always on the go.) Morinda Citrifolia also know as “queen plants” has the widest of medical application. Morinda citrifolia or mengkudu has been admitted as a remarkable healing agent, since 2000 years ago. It is improved blood circulation, used ability to kill pain. Scientific studies discovered Morinda citrifolia has the ability to regulate immune s ystem, it is seems to be the most important discovery in 21st century. MorinThe recent discovery is that Noni stimulates two major hormones called serotonin and melatonin. The pineal gland controls the 5 major other glands below it which are: The thyroid which produces thyroxine to energize our cells The thymus (immune system control centre) which protects us against infections and cancer. The pancreas which is invoved with blood sugar and secreting hormone insulin The adrenal gland which responds every...
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Ganoderma - Diabetes
Role of Ganoderma in Diabetes The constitutes in Ganoderma lucidum that reduce blood glucose are Ganoderma B and C. The principle is by enhancing utilization of blood glucose by body tossues. Ganoderma lucidum serves as a substitute to insulin to inhibit release of fatty acids. It thus improves symptoms in high blood glucose and high urine glucose patients. Blood glucose will be reduced from 173 to 116, cholesterol from 233 to 179, beat-protein from 580 to 465. Water-solubility polysaccharides in Ganoderma lucidum suppresse insulin-independent diabetes. The health food products manufactured by Japan Numata Kenji, has been widely used for the treatment of diabetes. Ganoderma for Diabetes Can Herbs for Diabetes help to reduce blood sugar? Impossible! Most people think that herbs for diabetes are useless for improving diabetes. At least that's true for conventional medication which can only control it. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine has its methods for improving this...
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